How to Communicate Principles Worth Promoting

February 28, 2014
American Majority partners with the Allen West Foundation to educate and inspire the next generation of conservatives among the minority and veteran communities. The Allen West Foundation has been doing fantastic work. They not only care about minority and veteran communities – but they’re doing something about it.
Here’s a note from Allen West as posted on the Allen West Foundation blog, linking to a video we think you’ll enjoy:
“We need to start talking about the principles that make this country great: Faith, family, individual responsibility… These are the principles that our communities need – the values that must be cultivated in our youth. I’m determined to get this discussion started. Check out this video from a recent Allen West Foundation event where I talk about these very principles and how they impact our youth.”
With a shared vision for education and activism, we look forward to training conservatives and distributing timely resources to those interested in becoming more engaged in their communities and considering a run for public office. Contact American Majority at to bring in a training to your area.