The arrival of Independence Day 2010 encouraged me to do some reflecting on the frustrating political fray that swirls continually around us. I have had nearly 2 years in this churning cauldron and – as with all things in life – the deeper we wade into anything in this life, the more we learn how…

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American Apologetics

The answer to our dilemma really seems fairly simple, at least it does to me on its face. If we are going to make a real difference as conservative voices in this nation, a lot of us are going to have to change our approach and significantly elevate the level of conversations we have to…

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Barbie Shatters the Glass Ceiling

I just returned from Toy Story 3 and I have to tell you that in our day to day battle of politics, spin and outright manipulation of facts and truth it was a refreshing story. As a mom who’s first born is college bound this fall the story hit close to home as well. As…

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Arkansas~Defending the American Dream Summit

Wow, stupendous, AWESOME – those are the words that come to mind about the Arkansas Defending the American Dream Summit held last Saturday in Little Rock. As if the line- up of National Speakers wasn’t enough~ Herman Cain, Grover Norquist and Stephen Moore~ former Congressman Asa Hutchinson was there along with about a dozen Arkansas Legislators in…

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Get It Together

I spent too many years voting for the party, or the candidate most of my friends were voting for or even the one with the most known organizations “endorsing” them.  I would like to think it was mostly out of ignorance. But the truth being known it was out of apathy. Not unlike thousands of…

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Vote Them All Out?

While I certainly appreciate the sentiment of: “Vote them All Out.” It’s also a mantra that is not all that reasonable or responsible. In fact one could argue this approach is a tad on the lazy side. If we think of our government as a business, which in one way it is, then for us…

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Growing the Grassroots

There are so many people focused on national issues right now and not paying attention to our local governments who are selling out the house. It is important to know and keep abreast of what is happening on all levels of government, but it is imperative that WE GET ENGAGED FULLY on the local level.…

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Moderates and Last Night’s Primaries

One of the most memorable things I remember my father ever saying was, “You’ll never see a book written entitled ‘The Great Moderates of History.’” I’m pretty sure he got it from Rush Limbaugh. Having thought about this premise for the past several years, I think my father (and Rush) is largely correct.

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The Morning After?

Well, here we are just a little over 24 hours from the results of tons of primaries across the nation as they close the polls and report the results. Wonder what will happen to all the candidates that have been expounding around the nation on their credentials, patriotism and how hard they want to work…

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On Deflecting Bullets and Waist High Grass

I feel certain many of you have watched the classic TV program “Wonder Woman” staring Lynda Carter. Well, I’ve become fond of saying that in this climate of out- of-control government I feel like I’m wearing her bullet-deflecting bracelets and have to summon their power on an hourly basis. For instance, right here in Arkansas, if folks…

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For a Limited Time Only: Getting While They Can

Local and state governments are scrambling to get their “share” of tax payer money while the getting still seems possible. Here in Arkansas  local school districts are seeking millage increases, city councils are proposing local A & P Taxes (Advertising  & Tourism Promotion tax) and municipalities are requesting sales tax boosts to build sports complexes; taxpayers are now…

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From Talking to Walking

Okay the rally is over, the signs are put away and now what?  Now is the time we separate the talk from the walk.  Each time I share with a group of people I ask this question: What are you personally willing to invest today to ensure freedom and liberty tomorrow? Here in Arkansas we…

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