How to Prolong a Recession: Tax Driveways

August 20, 2010
What if you owned a small business? What if you owned a small business and your customers came to your store or office? What if you owned a small business where your customers came to your store or office, and parked in your parking lot? What if you owned a small business where your customers came to your store or office, parked in your parking lot, and the government made you pay taxes for each and every car?
Would you still own a small business?
These may sound like hypothetical questions, but for a city in Kansas, they have become reality. Last night, the city of Mission passed a new tax on driveways. Yes, driveways. Home owners will pay $72 each year for having a driveway.
Business owners, though, take the biggest hit in this new tax, which is being hailed as “revolutionary” and “ground-breaking.” Beginning in December, all businesses will be taxed a fee of at least $3,558 per year.
But wait- it gets better… Let’s say that you own a local bank, where customers come in to see you for home loans, business improvement packages, or simply to put money aside for the future. You could owe the city $5,659 per year. Maybe you own a local fast food franchise- do you have an extra $12,200 sitting around? Because that’s how much you could be paying. Maybe you work at a local Target- where the annual tax would amount to a whopping $64,750 per year.
Government charging businesses for having customers. Doesn’t that sound like penalizing businesses for doing business? (You know, investing in our economy?) Because it sure sounds that way to me.
Let’s be honest, here- a small business owner taking on an additional $3,000-5,000 in taxes between now and December? That could absolutely mean no Christmas bonuses for the employees. Or how about that $65,000 tax on the local Target? Do you think corporate headquarters will feel the brunt of that? No, it will be the cashiers, customer service representatives, and cart shufflers who get laid off, or don’t get a raise. The people who rely most on those jobs- and of course, the increased cost of doing business will be passed on to you and me, every time we visit that bank, eat at that restaurant, or shop at that store.
One last thing I forgot to tell you- Mission is very close to the Missouri state line. After the Kansas legislature passed the second largest tax increase in our history- increasing sales tax in the entire state- and now that the city of Mission is burdening businesses in this manner… how many businesses do you think will stay in Kansas (much less Mission)? How many will cross over into nearby Missouri? How many new businesses will we attract? And how many jobs will be lost, whether now or in the future, because of the elected officials’ decision last night?
We talk a lot about focusing local. Chances are, if you own or are employed in a Merriam business, you understand the costs of elected officials who do not understand the importance of limited government on the local level.
Oh, one more thing- that tax? Do you know what it’s going to pay for? Transportation projects including a new express bus service to the upscale Country Club Plaza. Help me here. If you’re going to shop at Armani, Tiffany’s, Brooks Brothers or J. Crew- are you really going to be riding in a bus to get there?
It doesn’t make much sense to me, burdening families during a recession, when goodness knows we’re all tightening our belts as much as we can already. It makes even less sense to further burden the businesses that employ our spouses, friends and neighbors in the middle of a recession that no one sees a fast track out of. Don’t worry though… I’m sure government officials know better than me. After all, the mayor of Mission? She is an attorney who “represents individuals and small businesses.” And I’m sure the city really does need the money… after all, Mission is only spending $2,837,785 on Parks and Recreation in 2010.
Special thanks to Chris Stigall with the KCMO Morning Show with Chris Stigall for the background information in this story.
These are some great points. One has to question where all the common sense has gone…
I can;t believe they beat the Osamma administration to this.
Well I sure see a lot of business’s closing their doors and moving out of Mission. I sure would. What will the mayor do then? Honestly, has greed taken over common sense in this country?
I live in Dallas, OR. Our local city government attempted something VERY similar to that here in our town just a few months ago. They passed a “road maintenance fee” (tax) which was to be added to our water/sewer bill monthly. It started at $2.50/month, then was scheduled to go up by $1.00/month/year until 2015, where it would “end”. I am not sure what the cost was to businesses. The “necessity” for this tax?? To repair our roads, since the road repair budget had been mis-appropriated to other uses. Can you say ridiculous!!
Ultimately, citizens of our town were able to gather enough signatures to put this “fee” on the city ballot for a special election/vote. The people pretty much unanimously voted NO and the fee was thrown out!!
Residents of Mission should have the right to do the same thing. Rise up, let your voices be heard! You will not allow any more taxation without representation!
Best of luck!
Smart people (even most sheeple) should be able to understand the principle rule of economics of small business: Any cost increase gets passed on to the consumer in the price of the product (goods or services). If it cost more in electric bills, wages, raw materials, TAXES!…….this adds cost to doing business, and makes your product less competitive in the market. This tax will put a number of businesses out of business. The poor economy has lead to a lot of “belt-tightening” except in government. They don’t change until the money they have to spend isn’t there anymore. I know, I live in Michigan.
This is one of those things I find it hard to believe was voted on by the people. Just as, many I have never voted on. All levels of government should be held responseable for making sure every citizen is aware of all issues being voted on and given the opition to vote. This can be done through the TV on specific channels. We have all this technology but still do votes the way they were done in 1776. In todays world this is just out of the question. Being most people will be working 20 hours a day for crappy wages to pay these taxes and fees, that seem to just appear out of this cloud of Idiocracy. It makes it hard to say Our nation is a Nation of the People when the people are not voting on the laws and taxes. We are just told. It has been how long since minimum wage was raised. Yet the cost increase of things has not stopped.
What you forgot in all this is… Who in th elong run will eat these taxes at the businesses with parking lots and such? NO, it will NOT be the businesses, it wil be the people getting services there! Because in order to pay for these taxes, prices will rise on every service and/or good provided to the tax paying public. Ad Naseum.
The only thing these taxes are doing is lowering the amount of taxes collected in Mission because business will close and move to another city, Or close period. You cannot raise prices on something to increase revenue, The moving out or closing down the buainesses will more than offset the increase in taxes.
I hope that they tear down city hall for this! Or at least block/destroy their driveways!
Trisha- thank you for sharing your story! I mentioned it in a radio interview that I did today regarding this new tax- appreciate the insight!
Don’t forget folks the businesses will not be paying the taxes we will in the form of higher prices… Got to love those who think you can tax into a recovery…
I’m currently pushing to have Amendment 28 added to the Constituion and maybe something similar should be added to the state charters.
“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of these United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives; and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of these United States.”
I live in NY, can you say hello taxes?
It never ceases to amaze me that a government whether state local or federal, will tax businesses out of the area and then sit back and wonder how it happened.
In addition to Trisha’s great suggestion, I would say, find out who authored this tax, who’s brainchild was this? And then publically out them. Everyone should be aware of what their representatives are doing for them or against them and we should all vote with our wallets, ballots and feet.
This is just an extension of Obama politics. Tax and spend, get rich, pay off all of your crony buddies and to hell with all of the ‘normal’ people. They’re just there to support the government and provide all the money for the pork barrel. If I were a business owner there, first I would refuse to pay the tax, and then I would get busy organizing the opposition to such an asinine proposition. If the tax isn’t repealed, I would immediately move to somewhere else. If all else fails, vote with your feet. What other choice is there? How about a huge mob in front of city hall with torches and pitchforks?
I live in Wyoming, last of the Free States. When budget shortfalls hit this year, the state and local governments did what they should have done: they starting trimming the fat, postponing projects that could wait, etc. We have a sixth penny tax that is up for reconsideration by voters this year. Most lawmakers are asking for it to be renewed, but nobody is scare mongering about what will or won’t happen if it’s not.
As for the situation there in Kansas? That’s what the looters do when the looters are allowed to do their thing. If I owned a business that would be taxed, I would install meters at all of the parking spots outside and clearly put up signs explaining where the money is going and why. I wouldn’t wait for the law to pass either, I’d do it now, today, this weekend.
Then I would also put up a sign clearly stating that the city council and the mayor (or whoever is doing this) is not welcome at your place of business. Encourage others to do the same.
When they and their wives and children can no longer go anywhere in town and feel safe or welcomed, they’ll start changing their tune. In our small town, I know the cop by name, the mayor is also the veterinarian, the councilmen all live and work here, and all are on a first name basis. That’s how it should be.
businesses, without a doubt, require police services like fire service; roads; etc…. sadly, in these times, companies “like Target” seem to have money for charity so they should have enough for public infrastructure projects! how else would customers get to Country Club Plaza? and those costs shouldn’t be added to the federal deficit!
i.e. I’m glad that our public officials are making businesses pay for the roads, etc…, that they need! and, in general, if that pushes the price of goods up, perhaps we can live with less! and, if we do that, we won’t need jobs to pay for more junk!
Common sense went out the window when women got special unappreciated rights in 1965. Cry me a river. We as a nation, are on an unstoppable downhill slide. Have fun everyone! La-de-da….
Regular Americans. You do not care about anyone else until you are personally affected. Instead of the few suffering soon everyone will be suffering together-globally. This is how America was made-on the backs of taxes. You loved cultures getting robbed and murdered so you could put up your little pieces of the American dream. I know how many of you right this minute are considering leaving the country-good luck with that.
You loved “the system” until it backfired on you. You gave politicians and legislators your power without end because you would not govern yourselves. You loved it when they “got you what you wanted” no matter who suffered.
Driveways in front of every? 70 percent of the globe doesn’t have them.
Small businesses? Head to the jungles of the Amazon then come back and whine.
Target? The same Target that pays slave wages overseas(In other words letting humans live on about 43 dollars a month-at the very maximum.) so you can get your “deals”?
Transportation? Buy a bike.
You wanted this. You asked for it. You loved it. Live by the sword and die by the sword.
@ Michael Koston, I just wanted to say that an increase in minimum wage is not conducive to costs going down either. Oregon passed a law about 5 years ago, where the minimum wage went up every year on January 1st, for five years in a row. We went from about $5.00/hour to $8.35/hour. Each year, like clock-work, prices would be raised at businesses state-wide, as the minimum wage went up each January 1st. Businesses are not going to absorb any cost, no matter what form it comes in. While I fully understand how difficult it can be to survive in today’s world on a minimum wage, it has to be remembered that minimum wage was not meant to support a family, it was meant as a starting wage for a person entering the work-force.
It’s amazing how politicians all across this country are actively working to murder the economy. It’s hard to prove they don’t hate the USA. Sure seems like it from here.
DISGUSTING … over 8 million unemployed and only 100,000 jobs created ?! Instead these numb-skulls would rather tax everything out of existence … does anyone remember the power to tax also involves the power to destroy ?! Another example of the LACK of reason, logic, and common sense (sigh)
These are all signs of the end. On 10-10-10, the same day as the next false flag to invade Iran, America will be nuked and invaded by Russia, China and the SCO. This is the war of Armageddon and you can know it is now by all the chemtrails sprayed every day globally to hide the sign in the heavens, Planet X, which is causing the massive increase in seismic and volcanic activity. News here:
Time for Americans to stop being big boss of the world and best cure for America ills–pass a law–no USA troops allowed outside of it’s borders. Don’t get mad,get even. Does it bother you that Billion$ of YOUR tax dollars flow into Israel?
Check out their standard of living and health care?
In Toronto Canada, we have not invaded countries and the troops in Afghastan don’t cost that much.However, Toronto council has slapped a $65 fee on all carregistration onto top of the provincial $95. Try this shocker–8.5% citytax on buying any old/new home. Ontario has just been hit with a value added tax of 13% on everything that moves.
Only thing that keeps Canada afloat–anyone is allowed into Canada–welcome mat–free housing and lots and lots of welfare money.
USA feds are considering–21% value added tax–Good by America
Revolution is the Solution
It never ceases to amaze me how STUPID elected officials can be. ZERO logic. Personnaly, I think it would be funny citizens got together to tear out their driveways and install sod and let family members etc. park on the street since they’re already paying taxes on that.
Unfortunately, when businesses cross into MO and tax revenues plummet in KS, policy makers STILL won’t get it and create yet another stupid item to tax.
[…] How to Prolong a Recession: Tax Driveways. August 22nd, 2010 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments are closed | […]
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Sounds like taxation without representation to me! Where is the Chamber of Commerce? Where are the business owners? They should be out in the streets and at the Mayor’s office protesting and demanding a repeal or at least to have it put to a special election.
Look what happened in Bell, Ca when the people were made aware of how their local “representatives ” had been raping and pillaging from the good people of Bell.
“All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing”. I am sure there are some good people still in Mission. Good Citizens of Mission… it should be “your Mission” to get out there and stop this from happening!!!!
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lets not be NAIVE here people. I worked in government and logic NEVER comes into play which is a joke among those who Work in government.
some of you still think that its the politicians trying to be LOGICAL? there is no Logic involved here.
DONT THINK THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID, They are not. They KNOW what theyre doing.
It is the time for ALL STATESMEN to stand up for our freedoms because they are taking them away by RUINING the economy on purpose. if we cant see that AT LEAST, then were done as a nation.
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Mission residents are not dumb or stupid. We were never allowed to vote on this driveway fee. I live in an apartment complex where over a third have a mental handicap and cannot drive. Yet each resident will have to pay over 5 dollars a month for this driveway tax. They don’t care that these people live on an extremely limited income. This is clearly taxation without representation. The voters should decide, not the Mission City council. Everyone knows the city of Mission is unorganized and has failed to manage their own affairs. I just wonder how much our Mayor makes for not doing her job. I hope people in Mission organize and get this on a ballot or petition of some sort. We should not have to pay for their mis management of the pile of dirt that used to be the Mission Mall. I noticed the Mission Parks department was working two Saturdays ago putting mulch up around city hall. I wonder if they pay overtime for working on Saturdays. No wonder they need money. I say repeal the driveway tax. And, it IS a tax, not a fee. I don’t care what they say.
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